Information for Entrants - RPS IAVF Booking Page

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Information for Entrants

There is only one category which is “Open”. AV workers are encouraged to explore the medium and to use it to communicate their own personal vision incorporating feeling, senses and imagination to the viewer. The productions are not restricted in any way, either in subject matter or in the manipulation allowed during the taking or reproduction stages of the photography, the use of sound, or the use of video.

All entrants and those interested in Audio Visual are welcome to attend the Festival. Please email your contact details to the Festival Director and we will add them to our database. More information regarding the event will be published on the website as soon as it becomes available.

A digital projector, a Windows platform computer, audio system and screen will be provided. The projector is capable of displaying HD AV Programmes up to 1920 x 1080 pixels, with a 16ft x 9ft widescreen to match. Standard AV Programmes (e.g. 4:3 aspect ratio of 1400 x 1050 pixels and 3:2 aspect ratio of 1620 x 1080 pixels) will also play perfectly on this system.

Telephone: +44 (0) 2920564850
Mobile: +44 (0) 7989444326
Postal Address: 10 Hughs Close, Cardiff, CF5 2RT, UK

1st August 2018 Earliest date entries can be submitted
24th August 2018 Latest date entries can be submitted
25th to 31st August 2018 Preselection (if needed)
22nd & 23rd September 2018 Projection of AV Programmes and Judging in Cheltenham
25th September 2018 Results emailed
29th September 2018 Awards posted

Entry is open to single entrants, groups and clubs. All participants must be disclosed on the entry form. The production must be the original work of the entrant and his/her declared co-authors and collaborators. The Festival has FIAP patronage and in line with its recent requirements, authors and co-authors must be alive at the time and date of entering the Festival.

Entrants may submit up to two AV Programmes, with a maximum time of 12 minutes for any AV Programme, and a maximum combined time of 15 minutes.

An entrant’s name may not be credited on more than two Programmes, either as author or co-author. Programmes already accepted at a previous RPS International Festival will not be eligible.

In accordance with the established music and image copyright regulations, AV Programmes presented at the Festival should be free of all rights of ownership, artistic or otherwise, which others may hold. Authors should only use archival third party images when it is not possible for them to use one of their own images. By participating in the Festival, authors of AV Programmes indemnify the organisers against all and any action that may be taken against them by owners of copyrights. The organisers will accept no responsibility in the case of dispute or litigation

Video may be included in your AV Programme but should not dominate the work.

The organisers reserve the right to refuse entry to AV Programmes that they consider in their absolute discretion, to be undesirable, unsuitable or incorrectly programmed for projection at the Festival.

To ensure correct colour balance, it is recommended that you produce your AV Programme using sRGB colour space. Your entry must be programmed to run directly without an additional menu or start button. AV Programmes must be in a format which allows them to be played on a PC without the need for the software which created them, and should close automatically once finished and should preferably be .exe files. If you are unable to create .exe files, other formats (e.g. .mov, .mpg) may be accepted in consultation with the Festival Director in advance of the closing date. Entries may be submitted on a CD/DVD or via an online file-transferring platform, such as WeTransfer; YouSendIt, DropBox etc. Each CD/DVD/Data Transfer should only contain entries from one author. Each AV programme must not exceed 1Gb. All AV Programmes will be copied to the Festival computer’s hard drive for projection, and an archive copy of the Festival kept on DVD. If you do not wish your AV Programme to be included in this archive, please indicate this on the entry form. All care will be taken in the handling of AV Programmes, but the organisers cannot accept responsibility for loss, theft or damage.

If there are more than 60 sequences and running time of the entries submitted exceeds the available time at the Festival, the Organising Committee reserves the right to pre-select AV Programmes. The pre-selection decision will be made by the Chair of the Festival Jury. If an AV Programme is not selected to be shown at the Festival there will be no refund of the entry fee. There will not be any further discussion on the decision of the Chair of the Festival Jury.

Entrants may submit up to two AV Programmes, with a maximum time of 12 minutes for any AV Programme, and a maximum combined time of 15 minutes. The entry fee for all entrants is £15.00 per AV Programme or £25.00 for 2 AV Programmes.


Payment methods for entries from within the UK:
Payments may be made by cheque payable to “RPS International AV Festival”.
Log on to your bank account and transfer the amount due to:
Account Number: 20-05-06
Sort Code: 00818836
Use your initial, surname and the words "IAVF" as reference on the bank transfer.
Via PayPal to Please do not pay in currencies other than GBP. Entries without full payment in GBP will not be considered.

N.B. You must include proof of payment with your entry form when paying by electronic bank transfer or PayPal.

Payment method for entries from outside the UK:
Payment outside the UK cannot be accepted by cheque or via electronic bank transfer. Please make your payment via PayPal to Please do not pay in currencies other than GBP. Entries without full payment in GBP will not be considered.

N.B. You must include proof of payment with your entry form when paying by PayPal.

Entries must be sent to the Chairman/Festival Director, to arrive by no later than 23:59 GMT on the closing date of 24th August 2018. Entries may be sent either by post or via an online file-transferring platform such as WeTransfer, YouSendIt, DropBox etc. Entries not received by the closing date will not be considered. No entries will be returned and disks will be destroyed after judging. If you do not get an email confirming receipt of your entry by 27th August 2018, please contact the Festival Director.

Your CD/DVD/Data Transfer must contain the following files:

1. Your completed entry form. The file name to include your name and surname e.g. Entry Form from Tom Jones.doc;
2. Your AV. The file name to include your name and surname plus the AV Programme’s title and duration e.g. Opera House by Tom Jones 3m20s.exe;
3. Portrait(s) of author(s) (512 x 768px jpg). The file name to include your name and surname e.g. Portrait of Tom Jones.jpg;
4. A poster for each AV Programme entered (800 x 600px jpg - landscape format). The file name to include your name and surname plus the AV Programme’s title e.g. Opera House by Tom Jones.jpg; and
5. Proof of payment with your name as reference, unless payment is being made by cheque.


Ravi Deepres FRPS
Willem van den Berg


Top of Festival Awards (2):
RPS Grand Prix Trophy and RPS Gold Medal;
FIAP Gold Medal.

Recognition Awards (3):
‘Photography’ would receive an RPS Silver Medal;
‘Production’ would receive a FIAP Silver Medal;
‘Sound’ would receive the FICS (Fédération Internationale des Chasseurs de Sons/The International Federation of Soundhunters) Medal.

Judges' Awards (4):
1 RPS Bronze Medal, 1 FIAP Bronze Medal, and 2 RPS Special Interest Group Bronze Medals would be available for the Judges to award them at their discretion for attributes such as script, video, concept, humour, etc.

The George and Doreen Pollock Medal (1):
This medal will be awarded in line with the RPS AV Group's requirements i.e. to be awarded to a first time entrant who had not won any other award in a previous Festival/Competition.

The Martin Fry Medal (1):
To be awarded to the best interpretation of a song.

Highly Commended and Commended Awards (18):
There will be 6 RPS Ribbons and 6 FIAP Ribbons for Highly Commended, and 6 RPS AV Group ribbons for Commended.

In order to comply with FIAP requirements, the Judges will agree which AV Programmes have reached the standard for acceptance.

All entrants will be able to download a catalogue in pdf format, with details of the statistics, all the acceptances and awards after the Festival.

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